calculates aerodynamic force on wing with given airfoil characteristics, flight states, and surrounding fluid property by simplest model.
Scope/Calculation function
- estimation of lift & drag, or foces along wing's local frame.
Short description of physical model/calculation method
- 2d airfoil aerodynamic coefficients are calculated.
- 2d aerodynamic coefficients are corrected into 3d wing aerodynamic coefficients.
- Wing's aerodynamic forces are calculated with 3d aerodynamic coefficients, conditions of ambient air, and flight states.
Limitations/Assumptions of model
- The 2d airfoil characteristics are calculated by simple 2d airfoil model, "AirfoilSimple00"
- The wing planform is trapezoid (straight, tapered).
- The wing has sweep, sweep effect is taken into account by simple formula.
- The taper effect is taken into account by user-set parameter, Oswalt efficiency factor, "effOsDes", not calculated as function of taper ratio.
- The compressibity effect (mach number correction) is taken into account with simplified formula.
Read the descriptions on parameter window in model for details of each parameter. This section only covers parameters which requires descriptions by figures/drawings.
- redeclear the package of medium.
- fill following connectors:
- port_amb
- busFltStates1.Mn
- busFltStates1.alpha
- y_Fz (can be left unconnected)
- y_L (can be left unconnected)
- y_Fx (can be left unconnected)
- y_D (can be left unconnected)
- set parameters in "Geometry and Characteristics, wing".
- set parameters in "Characteristics, airfoil". *Currentrly those parameters are not used, thus are not affect calculation.
- Currently, parameters in "Characteristics" are not used. Changes in value changes nothing in calculation results.
Demo models
***** under construction *****
Equations in details
***** under construction *****
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