calculates coefficients of lift and drag of 2d airfoil as function of angle of attack. Positive and negative stall angle of attack can be specified.
Scope/Calculation function
- estimate 2d airfoil characteristics as base of 3d wing characteristics estimation.
Short description of physical model/calculation method
- Coefficient of lift, Cl, and coefficient of drag, Cd, are calculated as function of angle of attack.
- Coefficient of drag, Cd is composed of friciton drag term and pressure drag term.
- Sudden loss of lift due to stall can be simulateed (by very simple model).
- Sudden increase of drag due to stall can be simulated (by very simple model).
Limitations/Assumptions of model
- Cl is linear function of angle of attack.
- Cdp, pressure drag coefficient, is calculated as power function of angle of attack.
- Compressibity effect is not taken into account, or neither Cl nor Cd are function of mach number.
- Viscossity effect is not taken into accountm, or neither Cl nor Cd are function of Raynolds number.
- Cdf, friction drag coefficient, is constant value.
Read the descriptions on parameter window in model for details of each parameter. This section only covers parameters which requires descriptions by figures/drawings.
- fill following connectors:
- signalBus1.alpha
- signalBus2.Cl (can be left unconnected)
- signalBus2.Cd (can be left unconnected)
- set parameters in "Characteristics".
Demo models
***** under construction *****
Equations in details
***** under construction *****
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