Library for estimation of performance of airfoil, wing, and aircraft, and dynamic simulation of 2D/3D.
Interfaces and Media in components in this library are compatibile those of Modelica Standard Library. If not, interfaces are provided with real in/out connectors or expandable connector Please do not hesitate to build system model combining components in this library and those of Modelca Standard Library.
Please refer to "Examples" package first so as to learn how to use this library. There are demo and test models.
contains components and base codes for calculations of wing/airfoil characteristics and performance. Ex. 2d airfoil calculating Cl and Cd from given incoming airflow and Cl curve data.
contains components and base equation codes for 2D/3D point mass flight dynamics simulation. Ex, pont mass which calculates velocities, positions, and attitude of the aircraft in future with given lift, drag, thrust, and gravity.
contains components and base equation codes for 3D rigid body flight dynamics simulation. Ex, the wing which calculates 3D forces and moments exerted on wing root.
System modelers may NOT use contents in this package.
System modelers may NOT use contents in this package.
System modelers may NOT use contents in this package.